26.12.2008 Leipzig, Moritzbastei
Video: Love Will Tear Us Apart
Video by mickykoeniger
Fotos by Jörch, exhalfpopstar.de
Setlist by fran.ka, fansite
Weihnachtskonzerte 2008
Auch in diesem Jahr gibt es traditionell an Weihnachten noch einmal die Chance Phillip Boa & The Voodooclub live zu erleben: Weihnachtskonzerte in der Moritzbastei!
Folgende Termine stehen fest:
26. und 27. Dezember – Leipzig, Moritzbastei
Hinweis: Wie in jedem Jahr steht pro Abend nur ein begrenztes Kontingent an Karten (333) zur Verfügung!
Tickets online bestellen oder vor Ort im Ticketbüro der Moritzbastei Leipzig, Universitätsstraße 9, 04109 Leipzig kaufen.
27.12.2007 Leipzig, Moritzbastei
© Foto Jörg Marquardt / exhalfpopstar.de
Annie flies the lovebomber
Albert is a headbanger
Love will tear us apart
All I hate is you
video snippets from leipzolaf (thanx!)
You are a parasite but I love you
I dedicate my soul to you
Faking to blend in
So what
This is Michael
Atlantic Claire
Albert is a headbanger
In todays parties
Annie flies the lovebomber
Sleep a lifetime
Drinking and belonging to the sea
Fine art in silver
The night before the last was saturday night
Bells of sweetness
And when heaven will fall
I don’t need your summer
Sunday morning
I’m waiting for my man
Love will tear us apart
And then she kissed her
All I hate is you
26.12.2007 Leipzig, Moritzbastei
© Fotos Wolfgang Zeyen / lvz-online.de
You are a parasite but I love you
I dedicate my soul to you
Faking to blend in
So what
This is Michael
Atlantic Claire
Albert is a headbanger
In todays parties
Annie flies the lovebomber
Sleep a lifetime
Fine art in silver
Drinking and belonging to the sea
The night before the last was saturday night
Bells of sweetness
And when heaven will fall
I don’t need your summer
Sunday morning
Queen day
Be my wife
And then she kissed her
All I hate is you
25.12.2007 Leipzig, Moritzbastei
Faking to blend in
In todays parties
video snippets from leipzolaf
You are a parasite but I love you
I dedicate my soul to you
Faking to blend in
So what
This is Michael
Atlantic Claire
Albert is a headbanger
In todays parties
Annie flies the lovebomber
Sleep a lifetime
Drinking and belonging to the sea
Fine art in silver
On tuesdays I’m not as young
The night before the last was saturday night
And when heaven will fall
Rome in the rain
Sunday morning
Container love
And then she kissed her
All I hate is you
Kill your ideals